Design to fade

Design to fade

Client: Puma Innovation. Year:2020

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Puma is introducing a collection of biodegradable sportswear, aptly named Design to Fade, as part of VDF's collaboration with Ventura Projects for the Milan Design Week. Developed with the support of biodesign specialists Streamateria and Living Colour, the collection features biodegradable clothing that is dyed using bacteria and can be manufactured on demand to reduce waste.

Hired by IXD Milan (spin off of MIT)

Puma is introducing a collection of biodegradable sportswear, aptly named Design to Fade, as part of VDF's collaboration with Ventura Projects for the Milan Design Week. Developed with the support of biodesign specialists Streamateria and Living Colour, the collection features biodegradable clothing that is dyed using bacteria and can be manufactured on demand to reduce waste.

Hired by IXD Milan (spin off of MIT)


Creative Director - Freelance. 

We defined the Creative Direction when comes to Branding and Physical Exbition, defining the whole Visual & Spatial concept & storytelling in terms of narrative in the physical space and related visual lenaguage across all touchpoins. Due Corona Virus the exbibion had been postponed.



The Challenge

The Challenge

This project was under the PUMA innovation brand as research and development of new scenarios and sustainable products. Puma has worked in collaboration with Steamateria developing fast fashion all made with biodegradable components, and Living Colour, providind instead a new way to clorize fabrics with the usage of living bacteria.

In this context, our task to develop a unique storitelling as the narrative of the collection purpose, had to take in consideration the different realities and outcomes in terms of products, contents and visuals aestetic, to ensure a unified and coherent consistency in the exibitoin narrative and visual rapresentation, from branding to press comm, to physical applications, yet keeping the identity of each partner of the project.


Ideation Workshop

Ideation Workshop

Ideation Workshop



We run an ideation workshop with clients key stakeholders: Puma, Streamateria and Living Colour at the Innovation by design office in Milano.


The goal of the workshop was to brainstorm on highlevel design principle proposal being translated into 3 concepts. Taking in consideration users needs, limits and behaviour in the context of the Milan Design week.


The outcome has been an alignement on prefereed building blocks, combined together into one unified direction made out of the 3. A co-creation initiative able to melt requirments and needs into one unified narrative.


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The Location 

The Location 

In zona Ventura of Milano, an old deposit placed under the main train station.

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We've used both the facade and the interior to create the experience building blocks focused on informative engagement that defined the storytelling "

of the two projects of Streamateria & Living Colour in collaboration with PUMA.Thus inviting the visitors for an immersive journey into the complete product life-cycle, from creation through the coloring process and finally to the nature-nourishing decomposition enabled by the applied materials

of the two projects of Streamateria & Living Colour in collaboration with PUMA.Thus inviting the visitors for an immersive journey into the complete product life-cycle, from creation through the coloring process and finally to the nature-nourishing decomposition enabled by the applied materials


Exibition overview, from the iconic entrance with anticipation view, the second stage is the garment's explosion metaphorically dispalaing the life cycle, ending with the 3rd stage, discoverability of the whole collection.

Exibion end, POV when turing to the exit reveal an old polariod frame to take a picture of the whole discovere collection. Promoting sharaility on social network.

At the Exibion end, POV when turing to the exit reveal an old polariod frame to take a picture of the whole discovere collection. Promoting sharaility on social network.


" From the ephemeral nature of the exhibition, through the lifecycle of the products to the bacteria-employing coloring process - we embraced the design that fades gracefully. "


Being truly inspired by the beauty of the manifacturing process,the continuity and discontinuity of it we envioned the explosion, to create an immersive and iconic installation that displays the process of making as well as the process of disposal. 


Visual Language

Visual Language

Through the holistic visual language designed by us, we’ve combined both the core values of the two collections and the related brands, consequently unifying the vision of the world where sustainability and natural means are in the center.

We've set the leading narrative of the storytelling through the claim of Design to Fade.

Starting from the bacteria colouirng creation, we developed a dinamic colouring movement for the dynamic identity, adding then a generative pattern that has been influencing the manifacuture process and shapes of the structure of the garments, both rapresented equally in an unified visual lenguage solution.



Design to Fade

The Design to Fade is a contemplation on how the new technologies could transform the fashion business and its production chains. We've dedicated a section of the exhibition for an installation that aimed at inspiring the visitors to physically interact with the visual artifacts and share their individual perception through an photo & #designtofade thus embracing the ephemeral but saving its meaning from fading by the use of social media.


Our goal was to enable the visitors to experience how a collaborative effort and responsible design mindset can push the limits in the sportswear Industry by envisioning a whole new generation of garments designed to meet the imperative need of sustainability. By meaningfully combining both physical and digital contents, we aimed at inspiring a reflection on how Biodesign can impact the whole garment manufacturing lifecycle.


Working with PUMA made us grow both as a team and as individuals. We’ve been given the opportunity to collaborate with scientists, researchers and designers from around the world. We believe that all our work is a collaborative effort and that the capability to work in a connected environment dramatically increases the opportunities for shaping new experiences that will make the world a better place.





Innovation by design → Andrea Piccolo, Claudio Moderini, Kacper Pietrzykowski,Patrik Dolo, Gianpaolo Tucci

PUMA → Charles Johnson, Romain Girard, Hugh Clarke, Ingo Foertsch

Streamateria → Erik Lindvall, Alexander Wolfe 

Living Colour → Ilfa Siebenhaar, Laura Luchtman
